How it works

How and why we do it

It would be nigh on impossible to do a blind survey at every large commercial property you have and hope to find the issues we find. This would take you a lot of time, a lot of organising and a lot of expensive manpower.

That is why we have developed our desktop approach.

If only 1 in a 50 properties has errant metered consumption, then why visit every one?

Our desktop investigation is sector based. Each sector has its nuances.

For example how do you compare the impact on water use between a posh hotel’s rainfall showers with luxurious mini-shampoos and a motel with trickly showers and plastic curtains.

We have built a software platform called ShortPlus that assesses commercial water use. It contains tens of thousands of properties. Each one has a assessed water use figure made up of hundreds of components and their estimated demand. It is surprisingly accurate.

We compare our assessed water use with your metered use to find outliers. We call this a Consumption Audit.

To get the metered use, we don’t require any large data extracts. This removes a lot of delays, costs and data security risks from the service. We simply log into a leakage system and collect the metered consumption from there.

Most of your properties will pass the Consumption Audit. These get a clean bill of health.

But some properties fail the Consumption Audit. And this can happen two ways:

  1. Their metered use is too high (they are using too much water). This is large commercial leakage or large commercial wastage.
  2. Or their metered use is too low (they are not using enough water). This is Revenue Leakage

The Consumption Audit process produces a manageable number of outliers. Normally just 50 properties for 1 ML/d of benefit – less than one a week.

Our well-mannered, yet determined technicians visit these. They go to site with a reason and purpose to understand the ‘gap’ in consumption.

Commercial Properties with Large Leaks outliers: we attempt to pinpoint the cause of the high metered consumption. Most of the time it’s an underground supply pipe leak. Sometimes it may be inefficient plant or lots of leaking toilets.

Revenue Leakage outliers: we attempt to prove the cause of the low metered consumption. This may be an unmetered feed or a bypassed meter or a faulty meter.

We work with you and the customer to get the issues resolved. It’s all well and good finding the issues, but until they are resolved, you don’t get any benefits.

This approach might be boringly, painstakingly efficient. But it delivers cost effective results.

In a nutshell

  • A desktop based approach which is targeted and cost effective
  • Painstaking attention to detail delivers results
  • We know which sectors will deliver the best results for you
  • We go to site with a purpose and a reason and do not leave without answers
  • Sustainability - we are always learning and refining our sectors & assessments

Large users – why is it so hard to detect issues?

No two large commercial properties are the same. A complex mixture of facilities and demand equals highly variable usage patterns.

Take swimming pools.

Those with water slides tend to draw more users than a pool without slides. Users spend longer in the pool. The showers and toilets are used more frequently. The swimming pool filters will need backwashing more often. A pool with slides cannot not be simply benchmarked against a pool without slides.

Complex sites, variable use, assets not on billing systems, under recording meters, the complexities of combination meters, background leakage and wastage, sporadic and seasonal use. Added together this makes a simple desktop benchmarking exercise virtually impossible.

There might also be a general assumption that what is being billed is correct. We call this the ‘fog of billing’ where the billed consumption hides any anomalies affecting the accuracy of the billed data.

This is why we have developed detailed consumption assessments and personalised these to individual properties. It works.

This process complements and augments what you’re already doing

  • Our assessment, merge and compare service finds and complements your existing inhouse projects e.g. voids / missing properties / stopped meters / CSL surveys
  • Our service captures issues that other projects miss
  • Most of the Revenue Leakage is partial billing which can go undetected for years
  • Large Leaks at Commercial Properties often get left behind if they are forced through a CSL process that is designed for simple domestic properties.

Working with you and how this might fit in

Our unique service is stand-alone. We find distinct issues that will be getting missed elsewhere.

However, we are not arrogant, we do not claim to be a panacea for all ills.

Regulatory and business pressures will drive the need to lower leakage through traditional means such as find and fix and pressure management. There will still be missing and void property projects to run. Stopped meters will be flagged and changed.

But what we find is extra help toward achieving those ever stretched targets and goals. It will be over and above anything else being delivered from your existing initiatives. That is the beauty of our service. It is complementary.

And there is recurrence.

Repairing one large customer side leak will not stop another happening. An unbilled meter will not be a one off event. This service can deliver results year on year.

What we identify can be quantified. Results can be measured. Extra revenue and leakage reduction can be included in future business plans with some certainty they will be achieved.

This process complements and augments what you’re already doing

  • We are low impact, low maintenance, low risk
  • It is so easy to get going and quickly see results – a simple contract, login and id badge!
  • We do not require a large data extract from you with all the costs, delays and data security risks that go with it
  • Sustainable service in the long term. Not a one off project
  • Results can be managed and factored into plans with certainty
  • High leak risk CSL sectors (e.g. student accommodation blocks) could be identified and monitored using telemetry as a future early warning system
  • We give you extra revenue and leakage benefits that are unique to this service
  • Our service does not clash with existing projects.

How much could you find?

This really varies depending on the water company.

We do not over promise and pride ourselves in delivering the outputs we sign up to.

Experience means that we can accurately gauge what we can offer you based on the number and type of commercial properties you supply.

If you’ve read all the way to the bottom of the page, you must be somewhat interested.

So to satisfy your curiosity, as a rough figure, you could expect to find 0.7 to 1.2 ML/day per 50,000 commercial properties of Revenue Leakage and the same again for Commercial Properties with Large Leaks.

Get in touch with us to get a more accurate figure of what we could find you

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